August 11, 2009

Enlarge Image on Mouse Move.

Hi This is another interesting post. In this post i include how to enlarge the image on mouse move.

At start the image is look like as,

and on mouse move on the image the image will enlarge as,

The code for this is ,
Place the Style tag in head Section of page.

<style type="text/css">
border: none;
vertical-align: top;

Place the following code in body section.

<img class="expando" border="0" src="Grow.jpg" width="100" height="80">
<Script type="text/javascript">
if (document.images)
var cos, a = /Apple/.test(navigator.vendor), times = a? 20 : 40, speed = a? 40 : 20;
var expConIm = function(im)
im = im window.event;
if (!expConIm.r.test (im.className))
im = im.srcElement null;
if (!im !expConIm.r.test (im.className))
var e = expConIm,
widthHeight = function(dim)
return dim[0] * cos + dim[1] + 'px';
resize = function()
cos = (1 - Math.cos((e.ims[i].jump / times) * Math.PI)) / 2; = widthHeight (e.ims[i].w); = widthHeight (e.ims[i].h);
if (e.ims[i].d && times > e.ims[i].jump)
e.ims[i].timer = setTimeout(resize, speed);
else if (!e.ims[i].d && e.ims[i].jump > 0)
e.ims[i].timer = setTimeout(resize, speed);
d = document.images, i = d.length - 1;
for (i; i > -1; --i)
if(d[i] == im) break;
i = i + im.src;
if (!e.ims[i])
im.title = '';
e.ims[i] = {im : new Image(), jump : 0};
e.ims[i].im.onload = function()
e.ims[i].w = [e.ims[i].im.width - im.width, im.width];
e.ims[i].h = [e.ims[i].im.height - im.height, im.height];
e (im);
e.ims[i].im.src = im.src;
if (e.ims[i].timer) clearTimeout(e.ims[i].timer);
e.ims[i].d = !e.ims[i].d;
resize ();

expConIm.ims = {};

expConIm.r = new RegExp('\\bexpando\\b');

if (document.addEventListener)
document.addEventListener('mouseover', expConIm, false);
document.addEventListener('mouseout', expConIm, false);
else if (document.attachEvent)
document.attachEvent('onmouseover', expConIm);
document.attachEvent('onmouseout', expConIm);

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